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The confusion of the testing-optional trend has somehow made college admissions even more intense and competitive.

With strong schools looking for even stronger scores, we are proud to continue our commitment to our students’ success by introducing an offering guaranteed to move your score to your desired level.

We started Powerful Prep with a commitment to transparency (that’s why you can view our lifetime of results and outcomes on our site).

We never wanted students or parents to have to gamble with their futures by guessing at their test prep outcomes.

ScoreLock continues this tradition by offering a pick-your-score solution. We’ll identify your starting score; you tell us your target score, and we’ll present a customized plan with a guaranteed outcome, or our work is free.

We’ve recently partnered with a firm using an academic assessment tool developed by UPenn Medicine and validated by over 50,000 subjects. With the aid of this exam, we will gauge your students’ capabilities on the SAT and ACT and better estimate the duration needed to prep.

Contact us to learn more!