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Should my child take the SAT or ACT even if schools are test-optional?

Almost all colleges still accept SAT scores. You might be conflating a couple stories: 1) about how the UC system chose to go test-optional until replacing the SAT/ACT with their own test 2) about how a judge ruled that the UC system would have to stop looking at SAT and ACT scores (for the moment) because disabled students didn’t have access to the tests during COVID. To recap:
What is the future of the SAT and ACT Tests?

What is the future of the SAT and ACT Tests?

What will the SAT and ACT look like in the near future?  When testing resumes in August, will students be taking their tests in facemasks with each desk 6 feet apart from the next?  How likely is it that the tests might be cancelled entirely until a vaccine is found?